Leadership in Healthcare
The final submission should be at least 3 pages (cover page, text page, and reference page)
For this lesson, there is a required written assignment that must be submitted before the due date and time as identified in the course calendar document.
This assignment must be submitted per instructions below or a grade of zero may be awarded for failure to follow instructions correctly.
This assignment must be submitted at the lesson assignment link area. There is no email submission of assignment under any circumstance. There is no extension and no resubmission. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have submitted the correct file for grading.
This is an essay that requires you to reflect on the topic, some research is required to be used and included correctly in your submission. That means you are to reflect on the topic of leadership and at a minimum address the following questions;
1. What are the most valuable aspects of leadership? Both of the below statements must be addressed in your submission.
For HIM professionals in general
For Medical Coding professionals specifically
2. Why are these aspects the most valuable?
3. What is your personal plan/strategy for building or fostering your leadership skills?
Be specific, do not generalize.
The paper must be at a minimum one full page of written text – a page is 8 ½ x 11
Text pages are the written element of the essay, and the cover page and reference page are not text pages.
The final submission should be at least 3 pages (cover page, text page, and reference page)
The paper must have a cover page, which is in APA format. (APA 7th edition)
Additionally, in-text citation(s) are required, so you must identify in your writing your reference(s).
There must be at least one source/reference used, which is listed on the reference page and within the written page(s) in APA format. This one reference cannot be just from the course lesson area.
The lesson documents, articles, pdf, or videos can be used as references, but then you must have an additional reference that is not provided to you in the course.
No abstract is required to be included in this essay/written assignment