Project Analysis Paper
Learning Outcome: 2, 3, 4
During this course, you have learned what policies and policy analysis are, why we do analyses, and how we do analyses. It is your turn to submit an analysis on a public problem and make your policy solution recommendation.
Your analysis must contain:
an introduction section discussing your policy problem and its history;
a literature review describing your research on the your topic;
the goals you would like to achieve with your policy solution, including descriptions of these goals, why they are necessary and how they will solve the problem;
your alternatives, including how they compare to one another regarding the goals you have established (status quo is always included as an alternative, you are required to have a minimum of two more alternatives);
a table illustrating how your alternatives compare with one another per your goals; and
your policy recommendation based on your analysis.
You must cite all of your sources using APA style and you must include a reference page.
You will receive a zero on the assignment if you fail to cite your sources or submit a reference page (not included in total page count).
This assignment should be 10-12 pages in length and must be in Word format and double-spaced.